第五話Episode 5荒ぶる鉄棺The Frankenstein
- 脚本:小柳啓伍
- 絵コンテ:安藤真裕
- 演出:菅沼芙実彦
- 作画監督:杉光 登、小島明日香、川面恒介、鍋田香代子
- 総作画監督:松浦麻衣
- Screenplay: Keigo Koyanagi
- Storyboards: Masahiro Ando
- Director: Fumihiko Suganuma
- Animation Director:Nobiru Sugimitsu, Asuka Kojima, Kosuke Kawatsura, Kayoko Nabeta
- Chief Animation Director:Mia Matsuura
Yuliy finally meets Mikhail, a brother whom he thought was dead. As Mikhail is now a vampire, he becomes speechless to their bloody fate. Meanwhile, Hyakko party attacks the same train in retaiiation against Alma Trading Company who cut them off financially. Jaegers, Iba and Ryoko rises. Yuliy also runs up the train as to shake off Mikhail's words but his path is blocked by artificial humanoid weapon created by Klarwein.